
Brian Horrigan

Board Member | MA/ABD

Father of Delia
Brian Horrigan is Exhibits Curator at the Minnesota Historical Society, where he is responsible for major exhibits at the Minnesota History Center and historic sites around the state. His daughter, Delia Levine-Horrigan, was born in 1987 and diagnosed with FA at age 11. Since Delia’s diagnosis, Brian and his family has been actively involved in the FA family community. Since 2000, his family has fundraised for the Fund consistently and inspired other families to do the same.

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News & Events

Introducing the Fanconi Cancer Foundation: A New Era in FA Research & Impact

In 1989, Lynn and David Frohnmayer founded the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (FARF), determined and desperate to find a cure for their three daughters diagnosed with Fanconi anemia (FA). Since then, their vision has grown into a vibrant community of FA families, researchers, clinicians, donors, fundraisers, staff, and volunteers, all dedicated to improving outcomes for people with FA.

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The Genetic Revolution for Fanconi Anemia Begins Now 

World-Renown Experts Take On the Root of the Problem The long-awaited genetic revolution for rare genetic diseases has arrived and with it, the potential to cure diseases like FA within our lifetimes using state-of-the-art gene therapy (gene replacement) and gene...

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From Diagnosis to Advocacy: My Story with Fanconi Anemia

My name is Blue Mohr and I’m a 27-year-old living with Fanconi anemia (FA). I’m from Austin, Texas, though I am currently living in Washington, D.C. where I’m pursuing a Master of Public Health degree from the George Washington University with concentrations in epidemiology, cancer, and public health communication and marketing. 

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